August 10, 2011

Calling for volunteers to help in a mosaic workshop

Dear members of Hong Kong Glass Arts Development Society,

In order to give back to the society, HKGADS is organizing a mosaic workshop for the students at the Kwun Tong Sheltered Workshop of the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong, students will get a chance to extend their knowledge and technique for artistic glass making.

We are writing to you to recruit volunteers for this event.  We hope that you can spare 3 hours to join this meaningful activity.

Date:     August 20, 2011 (Saturday)
Time:    2:00 - 2:30 briefing and preparation
             2:30 - 5:00 workshop
Venue:   G/F., Tsui Mui House, Tsui Ping Estate, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Please reply by email or contact Lolita at 9158 4613 if you can help.  Thank you and look forward to receiving your generous support!

Best regards,
Lolita Cheung
Chairman, Hong Kong Glass Arts Development Society


為回饋社會,香港玻璃藝術學會將會為香港心理衛生會觀塘工場的學員安排一馬賽克工作坊,從而擴展他們對制作藝術玻璃的知識和枝巧。 現誠邀 閣下為此有意義的行動作三小時的義工服務。詳情如下:


如 閣下有意支持此工作坊,煩請以電郵或電話9158 4613回覆本人。
